• Participant
      Member since: 07/03/2022

      The 5th Omega Company Swarm System

      The 5th Omega Company Swarm System is a roll system most often utilized for large scale combat situations, such as battlefields, or for situations where a few stands against many, such as a squad of troopers ambushing a large group of gangsters. While not necessarily a mechanically perfect representation of the scope of your character’s abilities, it is used to streamline large or chaotic battles where more intimate roll systems would bog down the mission and make less fun for more people. However, it is ultimately up to the Dungeon Master (DM) to determine what does and does not count as a situation where the Swarm System is applied on their missions. They may also choose to add other buffs, debuffs, or situations which may require rolls beyond these, which will be explained by the DM in the moment. General Disclaimer: All rolls are d20 based for mission actions, story rolls, or dueling. The Dungeon Master (DM) may specify rolls are needed for a specific action during the course of a mission, and rolls are typically required during combat.

      Note: Troopers will be forgoing their usual equipment and weapon modifiers in this system for simplicity at the discretion of DMs.

      Combat Form Ability Bonus by Proficiency:

      As used in combat, whether it be boss type battles or Swarm type battles. These numbers may be further augmented using one of your available Augment Abilities that your character has learned, as listed below. Some Combat Forms are more inherently capable during a mass combat situation. As such, some of the following forms have been highlighted in Green. While using any of these Combat Forms during a Swarm type battle, as long as you are of Intermediate proficiency or above in it, you may roll with advantage on your d20 roll instead (roll 2d20 and take the highest number rolled). This condition, like all others, may be subject to DM discretion given modifiers applied to each fight as they come.

      Note: Do not add the Roll Modifier bonus if utilizing a Force Ability, Force Form, or Combat Form (bonus does not stack). Rolling above a 20 in combat does not guarantee an auto hit. It is quite plausible for others to roll above a 20 in defense.

      Combat Form Name Beginner Intermediate Expert Master
      ASSAULT TROOPER +1 +2 +3 +4
      MARKSMAN TROOPER +0 +1 +2 +4
      HEAVY INFANTRY TROOPER +1 +2 +3 +5
      DEMOLITIONS TROOPER +1 +2 +3 +5
      ACQ TROOPER +0 +1 +2 +3
      REPUBLIC MARTIAL ARTS +0 +1 +2 +3


      The below is for use as a Medic when Swarm is in play if wanting to attempt to heal an ally. Use the threshold table below for results. Bonuses that can be applied to the roll are listed beneath the threshold table.

      Roll Results Action
      13-20+ You can work swiftly enough to reach two allies and heal them each for one mark of health. Alternatively, you may heal one individual for two marks of health, or stabilize a downed ally. So long as you are not unconscious, the ally may be yourself.
      10-12 In the same turn, you may reach and heal one ally (or self) for one mark of health.
      5-9 Take a turn to reach an ally or to assess an injury. No results on this turn, and the next is automatically spent healing one ally (or self) for one mark of health. [Lose a turn.]
      1-4 You are in peril and, without intervention from an ally, will take damage this round.

      Medic Rank Modifier for Addition to all Medic System Rolls:

      Rank Bonus
      Medic Trainee +1
      Field Medic / Medical Sergeant +2
      Chief Medical Sergeant (CMS) +3


      The below is for use as an Engineer when Swarm is in play if wanting to attempt to repair an ally or vehicle. Use the threshold table below for results. Bonuses that can be applied to the roll are listed beneath the threshold table.

      Roll Results Action
      13-20+ You can work swiftly enough to reach two allies and repair them each for one mark of armor points. Alternatively, you may repair one individual for two marks of armor points. OR you can work swiftly enough to repair ONE vehicle for two marks of hit points.
      10-12 In the same turn, you may reach and repair one ally for one mark of armor point. OR you can reach ONE vehicle and repair it for one mark of hit points.
      5-9 Take a turn to reach an ally or to assess a repair. No results on this turn, and the next is automatically spent repairing one ally  for one mark of armor points. [Lose a turn.]
      1-4 You are in peril and, without intervention from an ally, will take damage this round.

      Engineer Rank Modifier for Addition to all Engineer System Rolls:

      Rank Bonus
      Engineer Trainee +1
      Engineer / Expert Engineer +2
      Engineering Leadership +3

      Non-Force Abilities

      Non-Force Abilities by Tier

      Enlisted Abilities
      Ability Augment?
      NCO Abilities
      Ability Augment?
      Command Yes
      Hunker Down
      Artillery Strike
      Officer Abilities
      Ability Augment?
      Orbital Strike
      Heroics Yes