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      Member since: 01/20/2022


      The 7th Initial Entry Detachment (IED) is responsible for administering basic training for recruits. Members of the IED are known as Drill Instructors (DI). Troopers with the rank of Corporal and higher may apply to be certified to become Drill Instructors.

      Basic training is a six-module course that will consist of in character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) instruction to cover the basics of military roleplay, rules of the guild, and guild mechanics. The 7th IED is the military version of the Jedi’s Welcome Committee and Overseers.


      Module 1: Welcome to the Military

      This module will be the welcome RP, here the recruit will be administered the Oath of Enlistment, and then will cover duties, code of conduct policies (such as how to act as a Trooper and harassments policies, etc), customs, and courtesies, and will end with a tour to crew deck common areas.


      Module 2: Uniform Issue and Formations

      This module covers an overview and IC issue of uniform and formation drills. The uniform must be vendor purchased by the recruit at the cost of 6800 credits. If funding assistance is needed for the basic uniform, it will be provided.


      Module 3: Weapons Training

      This module covers an overview of weapons in the 7th, advancement in weapon skills, basic weapons safety, posture types, and mechanics. Mechanics include story roll system and rank modifiers.


      Module 4: Basic Tactics

      This module teaches the basics and mechanics of technical abilities and technical point utilization, turn-based roll system, and HP/Damage thresholds.


      Module 5: Company Overview

      This module covers a familiarization of the company branches within the 7th BN. It is used to help commanders identify and assist recruits in their company transition after basic training.


      Module 6: Graduation

      Available to recruits who completed all five basic training modules and have an in-character level of 24, this module covers an overview and IC issue of the standard field armor of the 7th. The armor is a combination of crafted items issued by the guild, and bind-on-pickup purchased items from a vendor. Recruits will need 7500 credits in order to purchase.

      Recruits who have completed their application and progression sheet can qualify to be promoted to private during this time if officiated by an officer.


      Branch Specialized Training

      Upon completion of Basic Training and promotion to private, the Trooper may join a company of their choice. Each company focuses on training in its own specialization skills.

      Entry-level specialization skills are open to everyone, however higher-level training is limited to the specialization.


      Aurek Company

      Advanced Infantry


      Besh Company




      Cresh Company

      Intelligence / Counter Intelligence

      Espionage and sabotage

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