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  • Officer
      Member since: 12/10/2021

      The Anaxes Dueling System

      The Anaxes Dueling System is a roll system most often utilized for smaller scale combat situations, such as one on one duels, or for situations of small group combat, such as a pair of Jedi fighting against a team of Sith. However, it is ultimately up to the Dungeon Master (DM) to determine what does and does not count as a situation where the Swarm System is applied on their missions. They may also choose to add other buffs, debuffs, or situations which may require rolls beyond these, which will be explained by the DM in the moment.

      General Disclaimer: All rolls are d20 based for mission actions, story rolls, or dueling. The Dungeon Master (DM) may specify rolls are needed for a specific action during the course of a mission, and rolls are typically required during combat.

      Important Note: When you face a combatant of an equal IC rank, Defense rolls win all ties unless explicitly overwritten by a Combat/Force Form or Force/Tech Ability modifier. If one person is of a higher IC rank, then their rolls will win all ties unless explicitly overwritten by a Combat/Force Form or Force/Tech Ability modifier.

      Baseline Beginning Stats by Rank:
      Note: FP/TP does not reset during missions except with extenuating circumstances and at DM discretion.

      Jedi Rank Military Rank Hit Points (HP) Force Points (FP)
      Initiate Private 3 10
      Padawan Specialist / Corporal 4 12
      Knight Sergeant 5 14
      Knight Exemplar First Sergeant 5 16
      Master Lieutenant 6 18
      Council / Revered Master Captain 7 18
      GM / MotO 8 18


      Damage Dealt and Received:
      For each successful attack, a certain number of health points (HP) are deducted from the player total. This typically applies to the amount of damage a player can deal to an NPC as well.

      Attack Type Damage
      Lightsaber / Blaster 2HP
      Force / Tech Ability Based on Ability
      Unarmed – Unaugmented 1HP
      Unarmed – Augmented 2HP
      Other DM Discretion


      Saber Form Bonuses

      How to read the charts: The trait learned at that particular level carries though for each subsequent level (ie, beginner traits are valid even if the Form is Mastered). The Atk Bonus or Def Bonus is what is added onto your roll for the level of proficiency you know. Other traits in the form of bonuses or detriments are indicated as they are gained as well. When rolling against Force/Tech Attacks, you do not apply any of these traits to your rolls unless specifically indicated on the modifier, only the Atk Bonus and Def Bonus highlighted in Grey on each chart.

      Advanced Saber Types: The ability for a lightsaber form to be utilized using Saberstaff, Jar’kai, and Saberpike is listed on the table as well. While these provide no mechanical alterations in our roll system, they provide interesting and engaging flavor to your specific character’s repertoire. These must also be independently trained once you know the basic variation of the Form, and can be taught by any qualified Lightsaber Instructor.

      Augment Abilities: Those Force Abilities listed as Augment Abilities in the chart below and may be used in conjunction with your Saber Form of choice to boost your roll accordingly. On the list of Force Abilities below the Saber Form chart, these will be highlighted in Blue and accompanied by a YES in the corresponding field.

      Combat Point System: Starting at Knight Exemplar, you get 2 points you can apply to any mastered Lightsaber Form. For every Combat Point spent this way, you receive an additional +1 to the attack and defense roll to the existing Form modifier for that Form. You may only place up to 1 point in any one mastered form. Upon promotion to Master, the player will receive another 2 points (4 total) and may spend them as they see fit. You may now place up to 2 total points in any one mastered form. Each Combat Point spent costs 5 Progression Points for a potential total of 20 Progression Points spent.



      Reminder Note: Highest Number wins. Defender wins tie unless attacker is higher rank or specifically stated in form or weapon mechanics used.

      Form I: Shii-Cho
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 Sun Djem: Attempt a disarm. Deals no damage, uses “multiple opponents” modifierr; Cost: 3FP
      Gain an additional +1 (Atk and Def) when fighting multple opponents Can attack up to 3 enemies in melee range. Allies in range must roll defense. Gain an additional +2 (Atk and Def) when fighting multiple opponents (Replaces the +1)

      When facing multiple opponents, you may gain an additional +2 on attack at the cost of a -2 on defense

      Def Bonus +0 +0 +1 +2
      Against Makashi take -4 on Atk and Def rolls. Each level this decreases by 1 (max -1 at Master)
      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Jar’Kai, Saberstaff, Saber Pike


      Form II: Makashi
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +1 +1 +2 +3 Contentious Opportunity: Attempt to deliver a precise strike that deals 4HP damage; Cost: 3FP
      Gain an additional +1 (Atk and Def) when fighting a single opponent Gain a +2 (Atk and Def) when fighting a single opponent. (Replaces the previous +1)

      Roll attack with advantage (roll 2d20, take higher of the two)

      Def Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3
      Take -4 against blaster fire on defense Gain an additional +2 when defending against Force attacks

      Gain an additional +1 when defending against disarm attempts

      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Jar’Kai, Saber Pike


      Form III: Soresu
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 Circle of Shelter: Automatically defend against any blaster or melee attacks until the start of your turn; Cost: 3FP
      Roll attacks with disadvantage (roll 2d20, take lesser of the two)

      Lose an offensive tie regardless of rank

      Lose an offensive tie regardless of rank (Disadvantage no longer applies)
      Def Bonus +1 +2 +3 +5
      Gain an additional +1 on Def rolls against lightsabers and blasters Gain an additional +2 on Def against lightsabers and blasters if you successfully defended against the last lightsaber, melee or blaster attack made against you. It remains until you lose a Def roll. (Does not stack for each time you have defended)

      Roll defense with advantage against lightsaber and blaster attacks (roll 2d20, take greater of the two)

      Gain +2 on Def rolls against lightsabers and blasters. (Replaces previous +1)

      Win a defensive tie regardless of rank

      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Jar’Kai, Saberstaff


      Form IV: Ataru
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +1 +2 +3 +5 Saber Swarm: Attempt three attacks without advantage, you may reroll the lowest roll once, lose your next attack turn; May target either 1, 2, or 3 targets; Cost: 3FP
      Unarmed attacks deal same damage as lightsaber Roll attacks with advantage (roll 2d20, take greater of the two) Gain an additional +1 when facing against multiple combatants; limit of 3 targets
      Def Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1
      Roll defense with disadvantage (roll 2d20, take lesser of the two)

      Lose a defensive tie regardless of rank

      Lose a defensive tie regardless of rank (Disadvantage no longer applies)
      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Jar’Kai, Saberstaff, Saber Pike


      Form V: Djem So
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 Falling Avalanche: Attempt two attacks; Cost: 3FP
      Gain an additional +1 when fighting (Atk and Def) a single opponent Gain an additional +2 when fighting (Atk and Def) a single opponent (Replaces the previous +1)
      Def Bonus +0 +0 +1 +2
      Against multiple opponents take -4 on Atk and Def rolls. Each level this decreases by 1 (max -1 at Master) Gain an additional +2 on defense against disarm attempts Successfully defending with a 20 or higher grants the ability to make an immediate d20 attack; 1FP
      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Saberstaff, Saber Pike


      Form V: Shien
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +0 +0 +1 +2 Barrier of Blades: Auto defend against blaster fire and it goes back to sender; limit of 6; Cost: 3FP
      Against a single opponent take -4 on Atk and Def rolls. Each level this decreases by 1 (max -1 at Master)(Does not apply against blasters) Roll attack with advantage when against multiple opponents (roll 2d20 and take greater of the two); limit of 3 targets
      Def Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4
      Roll defense with advantage against blaster fire (roll 2d20 and take greater of the two)
      Roll defense with advantage against multiple opponents (roll 2d20 and take greater of the two); limit of 3 targets
      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Jar’Kai


      Form VI: Niman
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 Jedi Pragmatism: Make an attack combination with a lightsaber attack and a (compatible) Force attack; Cost: 3FP

      NOTE: You may make the Force attack either Before or After your lightsaber attack

      NOTE: Practitioner-known Force abilities applicable with Niman are as follows: Telekinesis I, II, Force Stun I and II, Illusion I and II, Force Bellow, Force Stasis I (Mastered Only), Force Blinding, Force Exhaustion, and Force Light.

      Gain an additional +2 on attack and defend when facing against Juyo Gain an additional +2 on attacks with a Force ability
      (Note: Please see the Master Trait Active for list of Niman-applicable Force abilities)
      Pick any INTERMEDIATE level trait to use for the turn (you must take an Intermediate lesson on the Form for that trait to utilize it)  
      Def Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3
      Pick any INTERMEDIATE level trait to use for the turn (you must take an Intermediate lesson on the Form for that trait to utilize it)  
      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Jar’Kai, Saberstaff


      Form VII: Juyo
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +1 +2 +4 +6 Deal an immediate 2HP of damage without a roll, but all Def rolls are made with a -4 and at disadvantage (roll 2d20 and take lesser of the two) until your next turn; Cost: 3FP
      Take a -2 on Atk and Def rolls when fighting Niman Gain an additonal +1 to all lightsaber rolls (Atk and Def), +2 instead vs Soresu
      Def Bonus -1 +0 +0 +0
      Take -2 to Def against Force Attacks Successfully defending with a 20 or higher grants the ability to make an immediate d20 attack; 2FP or 2HP
      Advanced Lightsaber Forms: Jar’Kai, Saberstaff, Saber Pike


      Bakuuni Hand Bonuses

      How to read the charts: The trait learned at that particular level carries though for each subsequent level (ie, beginner traits are valid even if the Form is Mastered). The Atk Bonus or Def Bonus is what is added onto your roll for the level of proficiency you know. Other traits in the form of bonuses or detriments are indicated as they are gained as well. When rolling against Force/Tech Attacks, you do not apply any of these traits to your rolls unless specifically indicated on the modifier.

      Augment Abilities: Those Force Abilities listed as Augment Abilities in the chart above may be used in conjunction with Bakuuni Hand and boost your roll accordingly. On the list of Force Abilities below the Bakuuni Hand chart, these will be highlighted in Blue.

      Combat Point System: starting at Knight Exemplar, you get 2 points you can apply to any mastered Combat Form, including Bakuuni Hand. For every Combat Point spent this way on Bakuuni Hand, you receive an additional +1 to the attack and defense roll to the existing Form modifier for Bakuuni Hand. You may only place up to 1 point in any one mastered form. Upon promotion to Master, the player will receive another 2 points (4 total) and may spend them as they see fit. You may now place up to 2 total points in any one mastered form. Each Combat Point spent costs 5 Progression Points for a potential total of 20 Progression Points spent.



      Note: Highest Number wins. Defender wins tie unless attacker is higher rank or specifically stated in form or weapon mechanics used.

      Bakuuni Hand
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 Power Strike

      Attempt to deal 4 HP of damage with a Force-enhanced blow; Cost 2 FP

      Can be used concurrently with Saber Forms (no cost to switch when able to) Flurry of Blows

      Combination: Make up to 3 strikes; either to 1, 2, or 3 targets (1HP of dmg); 1FP

      Flurry of Blows

      Combination: Make up to 3 strikes; either to 1, 2, or 3 targets (2HP of dmg); 2FP

      Def Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3
      Against Lightsabers and Blasters take -4 on Atk and Def rolls. Each level this decreases by 1 (max -1 at Master)

      Bakuuni Hand Form Integration: Highly skilled practitioners of both the lightsaber and Bakuuni Hand are often able to interweave their attacks into the flow of lightsaber combat. Because of this, people who are both and Expert in their Lightsaber Form of choice as well as an Expert in Bakuuni hand may, as their Augment Ability for the attack, send an additional attack in Bakuuni Hand using their Form Bonus as a modifier (Expert +2, Master +3). This additional attack costs 2FP to initiate and deals 1HP of damage to the target.

      Bakuuni Hand Fighting Styles: As Jedi progress in Bakuuni Hand, the Combat Form takes on a style all its own, unique to the individual. Because of this, Experts and higher of the Form are expected to be able to demonstrate this unique style in the field as well as in practice. At Expert proficiency, a user of Bakuuni Hand may pick from one of the following general combat styles. The names of the style are in no way a limitation of how this bonus manifests in emotes, but exists rather as a descriptive helper for those uncertain of which specialization they may choose.

      These modifiers only apply to Basic Attacks used within Bakuuni Hand. They do not apply to the Flurry of Blows abilities, the Power Strike ability, or when using Bakuuni Hand strikes as Augment Abilities for Saber Forms.

      Bakuuni Hand Fighting Styles
      Name Modifier
      The Brawler Advantage on Attack Rolls (roll 2d20, take the greater of the 2)
      The Wall Advantage on Defense Rolls against Melee threats (roll 2d20, take the greater of the 2)
      The Skirmisher Advantage on Defense Rolls against Ranged threats (roll 2d20, take the greater of the 2)
      The Duelist +2 on Attack/Defense rolls while fighting a single opponent
      The Whirlwind +2 on Attack/Defense rolls while fighting multiple opponents


      Force Form Bonuses

      General Note: Force Forms are generally utilized by Jedi who wish to augment their power in using Standalone Abilities in the Force. While most are significantly weaker in melee combat, these forms provide powerful bonuses to the user by making your Force abilities more accurate, more potent, cheaper to manifest, or provide a wide variety of other possible benefits to the user.

      How to read the charts: The trait learned at that particular level carries though for each subsequent level (ie, beginner traits are valid even if the Form is Mastered). The Atk Bonus or Def Bonus is what is added onto your roll for the level of proficiency you know. Other traits in the form of bonuses or detriments are indicated as they are gained as well.

      Augment Abilities: Those Force Abilities listed as Augment Abilities in the chart above may be used in conjunction with your basic Force Form modifiers of choice and boost your roll accordingly. On the list of Force Abilities below the Force Form chart, these will be highlighted in Blue.

      Combat Point System: starting at Knight Exemplar, you get 2 points you can apply to any mastered Force Form. For every Combat Point spent this way, you receive an additional benefit to the existing Form modifiers for that Form. You may only place up to 1 point in any one mastered form. Upon promotion to Master, the player will receive another 2 points (4 total) and may spend them as they see fit. You may now place up to 2 total points in any one mastered form. Each Combat Point spent costs 5 Progression Points for a potential total of 20 Progression Points spent.


      Force Form: Channel
      Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Force Atk Bonus +0 +0 +1 Lose your next attack action to regain all your FP spent during the last combat round. (Only useable once per mission)
      Restores the cost of any ability used -2 from the base  Restores the cost of any ability used -1 from the base
      Force Def Bonus -1 +0 +1
      +1 Mastery Bonus Lose your next attack action to instead regain all your FP spent during the last two combat rounds. (Only useable once per mission)
      +2 Mastery Bonus Gain an additional +1 to Force attack and defense rolls


      Force Form: Mastery
      Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Force Atk Bonus +1 +1 +2 May gain an additional +1 on an attack with Force abilities; Cost 3 FP
      Roll with advantage on attack with Force abilities (roll 2d20 and take the greater of the two)
      Force Def Bonus -2 -1 +0
      Roll with disadvantage on defense against Force attacks (roll 2d20 and take the lesser of the two) Lose a defensive tie regardless of rank with Force abilities (Replaces disadvantage)
      +1 Mastery Bonus No longer receives a penalty on defense
      +2 Mastery Bonus Gain an additional +1 to Force attack and defense rolls


      Force Form: Affinity
      Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Atk Bonus +0 +0 +0 +1 May reflect a Force power back to its original caster after successfully defending against that Force attack; Cost 3 FP
      Unlike other Force Forms, Affinity’s Atk and Def bonuses are treated like it was a Saber Form, not a Force Form. Roll with disadvantage on attack with a Force or Melee attack (roll 2d20 and take the lesser of the two)

      Lose an offensive tie regardless of rank with Force or Melee attacks

      Lose an offensive tie regardless of rank with Force or melee attacks (Replaces disadvantage)
      Def Bonus +1 +2 +4 +5
      Roll with advantage on defense against Force, melee, and Blaster attacks (roll 2d20 and take the greater of the two)
      +1 Mastery Bonus After successfully defending against a Force attack, may instead make an immediate counterattack with their own Force power; Cost is that of the chosen power

      Force attack must be from the following list: Telekinesis I and II, Force Bellow, Force Illusion I, II, and III, Force Stun I, II, and III, Ionize I, II, and III, Mechanical Manipulation I, II, and III, Force Blinding, Force Exhaustion, Force Light I and II, Force Stasis I and II, Malacia

      +2 Mastery Bonus Gain an additional +1 to Force/Physical attack and defense rolls


      Force Form: Potency
      Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
      Force Atk Bonus +1 +1 +2 May attack with two Force powers in the same attack action; Cost is the sum of the cost of both abilities used +4 FP
      Roll with advantage on attack with a Force ability (roll 2d20 and take the greater of the two) Force powers may deal an additional +1 damage or apply an additional -1 debuff when successful (If an ability applies both damage and a debuff, chose one to increase); Cost 1FP
      Force Def Bonus -2 -1 +0
      Roll with disadvantage on defense with a Force ability (roll 2d20 and take the lesser of the two)
      +1 Mastery Bonus May either increase the damage buff to +2 or the debuff to -2 when successful, OR, increase the damage by +1 and debuff by -1 for an ability that applies both damage and a debuff; Cost 1FP
      +2 Mastery Bonus Gain an additional +1 to Force attack and defense rolls


    • Officer
        Member since: 12/10/2021

        Force Abilities

        All of the Force Abilities in the Anaxes Dueling System cost some of your pool of FP/TP. The size of your pool is indicated by your IC rank, as indicated in the first table on this page. How much an ability costs is determined by its level of power. Your character is limited in what maximum level of abilities they can manifest by their IC level. If you are deemed to have ICly achieved Mastery of an ability of Padawan tier or higher, subtract 1 from the cost of the ability.

        Ability Level FP Cost
        Initiate, Recruit 1
        Padawan, Enlisted 2
        Knight / NCO 3
        Master / Officer 4

        The chart below indicates which Force Abilities have a place within the Dueling Roll System. Many of these powers are Standalone Abilities and do not stack with your Saber Form when using the Dueling Roll System. Powers that are Augment Abilities are those that are able to be used in conjunction with your Saber Form, and will be marked with a YES on the table and also highlighted in Blue along with a YES in the indicator field.

        Powers that are Mind Shields may be established at the beginning of your attack turn and do NOT count against your use of an attack or an Augment Ability for the round. A Mind Shield‘s maximum strength and cost is based upon your proficiency as well as the tier of the ability itself, and remains intact until broken. Your Mind Shield may be triggered by choice against any skill of a lower tier (based on proficiency used) than it, or it may be automatically triggered by a skill of equal or higher tier (based on proficiency used) than it. If your Mind Shield successfully defends you, your opponent’s roll loses any numerical bonus from the mind-affecting ability they attempted to use against you on their defense, and it will negate the use of Standalone Abilities on attack entirely. Once your Mind Shield is spent, it cannot be reapplied until the start of your next Attack turn.

        When using a Standalone Ability, you apply any listed bonuses to your attack roll. When defending against a Standalone Ability, you may choose to either defend using the modifiers from your Combat Form plus any additional Augment Ability, or you may defend using another Standalone Ability, applying the modifiers the same as you would on an attack.

        General Note: Highest Number wins. Defender wins tie unless attacker is higher rank or specifically stated in form or weapon mechanics used.

        Mastery Clause for Non-Combat Situations: Upon rolling a d100, even if the roll is low, a player with a mastered ability will have some type of success, albeit minimal.

        Initiate Abilities
        Ability Augment? Attack Defense Bonus Mastery Bonus
        Force Empathy Yes +1 Can be used for 2 Def consecutive rolls
        Force Jump Yes +1 +1 Can be used for all Atk/Def for round
        Force Speed Yes +1 +1 Can be used for all Atk/Def for round
        Telekinesis I +2 Success: Deal 1 damage, Opp takes -1 to next Atk roll
        Thought Shield Mind Shield +X Beginner (Initiate): 1FP, +2
        Intermediate (Padawan): 2FP, +4
        Expert (Knight): 3FP, +6
        Mastery (Master): 4FP, +8


        Padawan Abilities
        Ability Augment? Attack Defense Bonus Mastery Bonus Beyond -1FP Cost
        Alter Damage Yes +0 +0 Success: Choice of +1 or -1 saber Dmg Choice of +1 or -1 of Opp saber Dmg
        Danger Sense Yes +2 Augment lasts until end of round
        Force Barrier +4 Can be used to defend Self or an Ally Up to 4 adjacent Allies can be protected (you and three others OR four allies to the exclusion of yourself)
        Force Bellow +4 Success: Opp suffers -2 to rolls for next 2 actions Can effect up to 4 adjacent targets
        Force Body I Success: Damage to self is halved for round (if  not a whole number, round up); your Def or Atk rolls take -2 for round You no longer suffer the roll penalty
        Force Deflection +4 Only useful against Blasters. Success: send attack back at sender at 1/2 potency Also effective against Force abilities. Deflects blaster fire back at full potency, Force abilities back at half potency
        Force Illusion I +4 +4 Success: Opp takes -2 to next Atk or Def roll Opp takes -2 for next two rolls
        Force Stun I +4 +4 Success: Opp takes -2 to Atk or Def roll Opp takes -2 for next two rolls
        Force Weapon Yes Success: Deal 2 damage with object used like a saber as obtained from your environment Can defend saber attacks with worn clothing items
        Ionize I +4 Only useful against mechanical targets. Success: Deal 2 damage, Opp takes -1 to next Atk roll Opp takes -1 for next two rolls
        Mechanical Manipulation I +4 Only useful against mechanical targets. Success: Deal 2 damage, Opp takes -1 to next Atk roll Opp takes -1 for next two rolls
        Revitalize Self or Target regains half of THEIR maximum FP rounded up, diminishing by half each use. Lose subsequent Atk or Def AoE Revitalize to allies at exclusion of Self
        Telekinesis II +4 Success: Deal 2 damage, Opp takes -1 to next Atk roll Add +1 to Atk modifier, May instead Disarm opponent but deal no Dmg
        Telepathy II Yes +2 Augment lasts until end of round
        Tutaminis I +4 Only useful against ranged Energy or Force attacks. Success: regain 1FP


        Knight Abilities
        Ability Augment? Attack Defense Bonus Mastery Bonus Beyond -1FP Cost
        Alter Environment I +6 Success: Deal 2 damage Targeted AoE (excludes allies)
        Battle Precognition Yes +3 +3 Add 3 to next Atk roll, OR Add 3 to Def rolls for round
        Cleanse Mind Clear all debuffs on self OR other. You lose next Atk or Def Can expend more FP to affect more targets: 2FP affects 1 target, 3 FP affects 2, 4 FP affects 3
        Force Blinding +6 +6 Success: -3 to Opp Atk/Def rolls till the beginning of your next turn. Targeted AoE (excludes allies) of up to 4 enemies
        Force Exhaustion +6 +6 Success: -3 to Opp Atk/Def rolls till the beginning of your next turn. Targeted AoE (excludes allies) of up to 4 enemies
        Force Illusion II +6 +6 Success: Opp takes -3 to next Atk or Def roll Opp takes -3 for next 2 rolls
        Force Light I +6 Only useful against Dark Side targets. Opp receives -2 for all rolls for round. Success: does 2 damage, Opp loses next action Additional +1 to Atk roll
        Force Shield Mind Shield +X Can be used against 2 abilities before being spent

        Beginner Expert(Knight): 3FP, +6
        (Master): 4FP, +8

        Force Stasis I +6 +6 Success: Opp takes -3 to next Atk or Def roll

        Channeled: Success: Opp loses next action. You lose next Atk or Def action

        Additonal cost of 2FP. Success: Opp loses next action
        Force Stun II +6 +6 Success: Opp loses next action. You lose next Atk or Def action Additional +1 to Atk or Def roll
        Force Valor Yes +X +X Add +2 to next Atk roll and +1 to next Def roll OR +1 to next Atk roll and +2 to next Def roll for round
        Ionize II +6 Only useful against mechanical targets. Success: Deal 2 damage, Opp takes -2 to next Atk roll Additional +1 to Atk or Def roll
        Manipulation II
        +6 Only useful against mechanical targets. Success: Deal 2 damage, Opp takes -2 to next Atk roll Additional +1 to Atk or Def roll
        Plant Surge +6 Success: Deal 2 damage Targeted AoE (excludes allies). Success: Deal 2 damage

        OR: Targeted AoE (excludes allies). Success: Opps lose next action

        Telekinesis III +6 Success: Opps in frontal cone take 1 Dmg, Opps take -3 to next Atk roll Instead of 1 Dmg and Opp taking -3 to next Atk roll, choose to cause those in frontal cone to lose next action
        Telepathy III +3 Augment lasts until end of round Can instead confuse up to 4 enemies on Success, causing -3 to Atk rolls until end of round
        Tutaminis II +6 Only useful against ranged Energy or Force attacks. Success: Add +1 to next Force attack if successful, regain 1FP Roll with advantage on defense


        Master Abilities
        Ability Augment? Attack Defense Bonus Mastery Bonus Beyond -1FP Cost
        Alter Environment II +8 Success: Deal 2 Dmg Earth: Targeted AoE (excludes allies). Success: Deal 2 Dmg

        OR: Targeted AoE (excludes allies). Success: Opps lose next turn

        Air Mastery: Targeted AoE. Success: Opps take -4 to next Atk and Def rolls

        Battle Mind Yes +4 +4 Add 4 to next Atk roll, OR Add 4 to Def rolls for round Immune to debuffs and conditions for round, all debuffs and conditions are purged, not subject to debuffs when entering the state
        Force Body II Yes Can be reduced to 0HP and continue until FP runs out (must pay 4FP every round after reaching 0HP); your Def or Atk rolls take -3 for round You no longer suffer the roll penalty
        Force Healing III Heal 4 Dmg on self or target, cannot Atk or Def till next round May attack or defend with a -2 Def on the roll for the rest of round
        Force Illusion III +8 +8 Success: all Opp within range take -4 to next Atk or Def roll Additional +1 to Atk or Def roll
        Force Immunity Immune to Force Abilities for round, your Def or Atk rolls take -4 for round Gain inherent +2 Def vs Dark Side abilities regardless of use of Force Immunity
        Force Light II +8 Only useful against Dark Side targets. All Opp within radius receive -3 for all rolls for round. Success: also does 2 damage to all Opp within radius Additional cost of 4FP to cause total of 4HP of damage to all Opp within radius, practitioner cannot Atk or Def for one turn prior to use
        Force Protection Success: Immune to All attacks or effects for round, unable to act while this occurs May extend your immunity and loss of actions for a second round.
        Force Stasis II +8 +8 Success: all Opp in frontal cone take -4 to next Atk and Def rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

        Channeled: Success: Opps in frontal cone lose next action. You lose next Atk or Def action

        Targeted AoE (excludes allies)

        Additonal cost of 2FP: Success: Opponents in frontal cone lose next action

        Force Stun III +8 +8 Success: all Opp in proximity lose next action. You lose next Atk or Def Additional +1 to Atk or Def roll
        Ionize III +8 +8 Only useful against mechanical targets. Success: Deal 2 damage, Opp takes -3 to next Atk or Def roll Targeted AoE (excludes allies)
        Malacia +8 +8 Success: Opp takes -6 to Atk and Def rolls until the beginning of your next turn. Targeted AoE (excludes allies). Success: Opps take -4 to Atk and Def rolls until the beginning of your enxt turn.
        Manipulation III
        +8 +8 Only useful against mechanical targets. Success: Deal 2 damage, Opp takes -3 to next Atk or Def roll Additional +1 to Atk or Def roll
        Telekinesis IV +8 Success: Deal 4 Dmg, all in proximity get -4 to next Atk or Def roll Force Burst, Success: Deal 3 dmg on enemies within AoE some distance away, Opp take -4 to next Atk or Def roll
        Tutaminis III +8 Only useful against ranged Energy or Force attacks. Success: Add +2 to next Force attack, regain 2FP Able to attempt defense against a frontal cone of attacks; Roll with advantage on defense


      • Participant
          Member since: 07/03/2022

          The 5th Omega Dueling System

          Combat Form Bonuses

          How to read the charts: The trait learned at that particular level carries through for each subsequent level (ie, beginner traits are valid even if the Form is Mastered). The Atk Bonus or Def Bonus is what is added onto your roll for the level of proficiency you know. Other traits in the form of bonuses or detriments are indicated as they are gained as well. When rolling against Force/Tech Attacks, you do not apply any of these traits to your rolls unless specifically indicated on the modifier, only the Atk Bonus and Def Bonus highlighted in Grey on each chart.



          Reminder Note: Highest Number wins. Defender wins tie unless the attacker is higher rank or specifically stated in form or weapon mechanics used.

          Assault Trooper
          Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
          Atk Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 Assault Precision: Deliver a precise shot that deals 4 HP damage; Cost: 2TP
          Gain an additional +1 (Atk and Def) when fighting multiple opponents Roll attack with advantage (roll 2d20, take higher of the two)
          Def Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2
          Lose -4 against melee opponents, decreasing by 1 PER level (max -0 at Master)
          Unlocks: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Akimbo Blasters, Rotary Disruptor Pistol, Slugthrower Rifle, Slugthrower Pistol, Vibrobayonet, Nerve Enhancement Suit
          Marksman Trooper
          Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
          Atk Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 Headshot: Allows a player to automatically deal their weapon’s damage to a single target without a roll losing their next turn; Cost: 2TP
          Gain a +1 Atk when fighting a single opponent (1v1 duel)
          Def Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1
          Take -4 against melee opponents, decreasing by 1 PER level (max -0 at Master) Gain a +4 on defense against opponents at range Successfully defending with a 20 or higher grants the ability to make an immediate d20 attack at the cost of 1TP
          Unlocks: Blaster Sniper, Slugthrower Sniper, Disruptor Rifle, Basic Scope, Long Range Scope, Bipod, Tactical Visor
          Heavy Infantry Trooper
          Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
          Atk Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 Suppressive Fire: User will deliver a wave of fire to force enemies into cover. All affected players will roll defense, if failed they will lose an attack turn and 1HP; Cost: 2TP
          Gain a +1 Atk/Def when fighting multiple opponents Can attack up to 3 enemies in a burst. Allies in range must roll defense.
          Def Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1
          Against melee opponents lose -4. Each level decreases by 1 (max -0 at Master)
          Unlocks: Blaster Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower, Light Flamethrower, Lightning Rifle, Miniature Railgun, Electronet Launcher, Wrist Flamethrower, Carbonite Sprayer, Cryo Ammo, Incendiary Ammo, Explosive Ammo
          Demolitions Trooper
          Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
          Atk Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 Shrapnel Rain: User will deliver a fiery explosion AoE that hits all enemies in a 5-meter radius. All affected enemies will roll defense, if failed they will lose 2HP and take an extra point of dmg at the start of their turn; Cost: 4TP
          Gain a +1 Atk/Def when fighting multiple opponents Roll attacks with advantage (roll 2d20, take greater of the two) Friendly fire is now disabled
          Def Bonus +0 +1 +1 +1
          Roll defense with disadvantage (roll 2d20, take lesser of the two) Lose a defensive tie regardless of rank Lose a defensive tie regardless of rank (Disadvantage no longer applies)
          Unlocks: Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Grenades, Shoulder Mounted Rocket, Wrist Rockets, Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
          ACQ Trooper
          Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
          Atk Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 Offensive Flurry: Make two attacks to your opponent in melee range; Cost: 2TP
          Gain an additional +1 Atk/Def when facing 2 or more melee weapon opponents (max +4 at Master) Roll attack with advantage against one opponent (roll 2d20 and take greater of the two)
          Def Bonus +0 +0 +1 +2
          Lose a -4 against ranged opponents Successfully defending with a 20 or higher grants the ability to make an immediate d20 attack at the cost of 2TP
          Unlocks: Vibroblade, Electrobaton, Electrostaff, Vibroaxe, Power Hammer, Vibrospear/Vibroglaive, Lance, Underbarrel Scattergun, Integrated Shield, CQC Scope, Oversized Vibromotor, Shield Gauntlet, Wrist Laser

          Republic Martial Arts Bonuses

          How to read the charts: The trait learned at that particular level carries through for each subsequent level (ie, beginner traits are valid even if the Form is Mastered). The Atk Bonus or Def Bonus is what is added onto your roll for the level of proficiency you know. Other traits in the form of bonuses or detriments are indicated as they are gained as well. When rolling against Tech Attacks, you do not apply any of these traits to your rolls unless specifically indicated on the modifier.



          Reminder Note: Highest Number wins. Defender wins tie unless the attacker is higher rank or specifically stated in form or weapon mechanics used.

          Republic Martial Arts
          Beginner Intermed Expert Master Master Trait Active
          Atk Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 Disabling Strike: Deal a strike that will stun an opponent giving them a -3 debuff for one turn dealing no damage; Cost: 2TP
          Gain a +1 Atk/Def when fighting a single opponent (1v1 duel) Can be used with select Combat Form* (no cost to switch when able to) Flurry of Blows Combination: Make up to 2 strikes; either to 1 or 2 targets (2HP of dmg); 2TP [Flat rolls with Atk bonus. No advantage] Roll attack with advantage when fighting a single opponent (roll 2d20 and take greater of the two
          Def Bonus +1 +1 +2 +3
          Lose -6 against an armed (melee weapon/ranged/armor weapon mods) opponent Roll defense with advantage against one opponent (roll 2d20 and take greater of the two)
          Unlocks: Vibroknife, Shock Gloves, Whipcord Launcher | Applicable Combat Form*: ACQ Trooper

          Republic Martial Arts Form Integration: Highly skilled practitioners of both the blaster and Republic Martial Arts are often able to interweave their attacks into the flow of combat. Because of this, people who are both an Expert in their Combat Form* choice as well as an Expert in Republic Martial Arts may, as their Augment Ability for the attack, send an additional attack in Republic Martial Arts using their Form Bonus as a modifier (Expert +2, Master +3). This additional attack costs 2FP to initiate and deals 1HP of damage to the target.

          Republic Martial Arts Fighting Styles: As a soldier progresses in Republic Martial Arts, the Combat Form takes on a style all its own, unique to the individual. Because of this, Experts and higher of the Form are expected to be able to demonstrate this unique style in the field as well as in practice. At Expert proficiency, a user of Republic Martial Arts may pick from one of the following general combat styles. The names of the style are in no way a limitation of how this bonus manifests in emotes, but exists rather as a descriptive helper for those uncertain of which specialization they may choose.

          These modifiers only apply to Basic Attacks used within Republic Martial Arts. They do not apply to the Flurry of Blows abilities, the Disabling Strike ability, or when using Republic Martial Arts strikes as Augment Abilities for Combat Forms.

          Republic Martial Arts Fighting Styles
          Name Modifier
          The Brawler Advantage on Attack Rolls (roll 2d20, take the greater of the 2)
          The Wall Advantage on Defense Rolls against Melee threats (roll 2d20, take the greater of the 2)
          The Skirmisher Advantage on Defense Rolls against Ranged threats (roll 2d20, take the greater of the 2)
          The Duelist +2 on Attack/Defense rolls while fighting a single opponent
          The Whirlwind +2 on Attack/Defense rolls while fighting multiple opponents


          Cover System

          The Cover System allows troopers to take cover on the field for protection or during combat for tactical advantage. There are two types of cover: half and full. Cover may be taken on initiative for free and can be taken after in lieu of your action. If a player fails a defense roll while behind cover, the cover sustains the damage it can take before it transfers to the player. For example, if a soldier was behind half cover and an attack hit with 3 damage, the cover is destroyed and the soldier takes 1 damage. When your piece of cover loses all its HP, it is considered unusable for the remainder of the session. A player will need to either find new cover or lose the benefits.

          Note: This applies for ranged attacks. Any melee attacks done past or over a player’s cover will not strike the cover.

          Type of Cover Hit Points (HP) Mechanic
          Half Cover 2 Can attack from cover.
          Full Cover 4 Cannot attack from cover.



          Each weapon that can be used within the 5OC roll system has a specific amount of turns that it can be used before it needs to be reloaded, the only exception being melee weapons. The reload time for each weapon is listed in the mechanic spreadsheet. Once you reach the turns specified in which your character has to reload, you have two options. The first is to reload the weapon, this will cost you one turn and you forgo your attack. The second is to swap weapons and continue fighting, but if you want to switch back to the weapon that is out of ammo, you must still spend a turn reloading it.

        • Participant
            Member since: 07/03/2022

            Non-Force Abilities

            Enlisted Abilities
            Ability Augment? Attack Defense Bonus Mastery Bonus
            Ambush +2 Adds a +2 to Atk for one round Can be used for 2 Atk consecutive rolls
            Retreat +2 Adds a +2 for Def for one round Can be used for 2 Def consecutive rolls
            Thought Shield Mind Shield +X Beginner (Private): 1FP, +2 Intermediate (Specialist/Corporal): 2FP, +4 Expert (Sergeants): 3FP, +6 Mastery (Officers): 4FP, +8
            NCO Abilities
            Ability Augment? Attack Defense Bonus Mastery Bonus Beyond -1FP Cost
            Command Yes +2 +2 Adds +2 Atk and +2 Def next round for a single ally Can affect up to 4 allies of your choice
            Hunker Down +4 Adds +4 Def for the player Can affect up to 3 allies of your choice including yourself
            Artillery Strike +4 Success: Does 3 DMG. Targeted AoE (including allies) with +4 Atk bonus Targeted AoE (excludes allies)
            Officer Abilities
            Ability Augment? Attack Defense Bonus Mastery Bonus Beyond -1FP Cost
            Orbital Strike +8 Targeted AoE (including allies): Success – Deals 3 damage and -2 debuff on enemy defense in the AoE for two rounds Targeted AoE (excludes allies)
            Reinforcements +4 +4 Allies around you gain a +4 Atk and +4 Def bonus for one round Buffs now affects the user
            Heroics Yes +4 +4 Gain +4 to next Atk roll OR Def roll for current round Immunte to debuffs and conditions for round, all debuffs and conditions are purged, not subject to debuffs when entering the state
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