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  • Officer
      Member since: 12/07/2021

      In Character actions have In Character consequences. How you behave In Character can have lasting ramifications. Unruly characters may face disciplinary actions for their conduct ranging anywhere from discussions with the Council or the Command Staff, to revocation of duties and privileges, to martial discipline, and even upwards of outright banishment from the Initiative.

      Please avoid attention-seeking Role Play. That doesn’t mean that you can’t take charge of a situation and help lead a team, but your RP choices should not distract from the over all purpose of the RP. Do not act out to make everything about you, but instead be respectful of the group you are with and understand your actions can impact another player’s enjoyment of their character.

      Players should always be allowed consent in what happens to their characters whether it be long lasting effects or more short term ones. How damage is taken is always up to the player.

      Definitions of things to avoid:

      God-modding: This is any declaration of knowledge obtained that your character would not have known ICly, forcing another to take a damage or a hit without allowing for character autonomy, or refusing to take damage or a hit in an attempt to “overrule” a particular outcome. Avoid this behavior.  You are not all-powerful.

      Meta-gaming: Using OOC knowledge in an IC way. If something isn’t told to your character ICly, they do not know it even if you the player does. The exception to this is if you’re given permission by someone to know it ICly as well.

      Puppeteering: Do not dictate what happens to another character. You may make an attempt to strike at them, but what you’re not allowed to do is to determine that they have their arm removed, fall down, cry for their mom, and then end up in the medbay! These types of actions remove a character (and player’s) autonomy for that character. Do not do this.

      IC/OOC Divide: Do your best to leave IC as IC and OOC as OOC. Because a disciplinary action is taken against your character ICly, it does not mean anyone is out to get you OOCly and vice versa. This goes for IC rivalries as well. Conduct yourself respectfully IC even if you do not get along with someone OOCly – this is how the community will remain safe and inviting for all.

      For inter-guild RP (the other faction): Guild members will contact an officer of their own guild. Any discrepancies of more than two ranks for a fight will not be approved for an intra-guild RP fight. If the lower ranked person attempts to fight two ranks above you, narratively you have to lose.

      Rank level equivalency:

      The Anaxes Initiative Dark sided character
      Initiate Acolyte
      Padawan Apprentice
      Knight Lord
      Knight Exemplar High Lord
      Master Darth
      Council/ Revered Master Dark Council

      For the purposes of determining rank level only, a CD member on the Dark council, even temporarily, is considered Dark Council until they are no longer on the Dark council. They then revert to their regular rank.


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