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  • Officer
      Member since: 12/07/2021

      Each member is allowed one RP character for both the Anaxes Enclave and the 7th Expeditionary Battalion. (2 total)


      In order to earn multiple RP characters of the same faction, you must:

      1. Have completed the training regimen for your character. In the case of the Jedi reached the rank of Knight. In the case of the military reached the rank of sergeant. 
      2. Contributed to the growth of the guild by completing the training of a padawan, or trained multiple military members. Having a padawan reach trials is considered completing their training for the purpose of this policy. These must occur in TAI, prior actions in other guilds do not count.
      3. Applied to Knight Command or the military command staff for the additional character. (For a grand total of 3)



      • In extremely rare cases members will be able to restart characters due to an IC event, falling to the Dark side, death, or other extreme events. Players may petition officers for a ‘do over’ character PRIOR to the actual IC event. If granted, players will not be given another chance (ie, you only get one reset)
      • Temporary RP characters for the progression of a story (training, trials, spec missions, etc) may be allowed in guild. Please contact an officer with details of the character and expected timeframe of their stay. These characters will still be designated as Non-RP characters in the guild roster.
      • Leadership or other designees may exceed this limit if the extra characters are fulfilling a RP need. These characters are expected to ‘retire’ if a competent replacement is found among the membership.
      • This policy takes effect 8/23/22 so any cases of already approved characters will be considered grandfathered.
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