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  • Spectator
      Member since: 12/19/2021

      You are STRONGLY encouraged to take notes for all of the classes you attend whether you are a Trooper or a Jedi. As a Jedi Youngling, you will need to refer to these notes prior to taking your Padawan Trial. A member of the 7th Battalion may be called upon to show a new recruit how to clear their weapon. Having notes to refer to so you are correctly emoting the tools, techniques, and abilities your character knows is quite important! The more you grow your character, the more you will learn and nobody’s memory is perfect.

      Protip: if you only have one monitor to work with, setting the game to Fullscreen (Windowed) will help with alt-tabbing back and forth to a document for pasting your screenshots! You can find this setting by going into Preferences (ctrl-p) > Graphics > Fullscreen (Windowed) under Full Screen Exclusive mode.

      Note Options

      1.) Traditional pen and paper or transcribing directly into a Microsoft Word, Google Doc, or similar file.
      If you know short hand, write fast enough, or type quickly and accurately, this may be a choice for you.

      2.) Take screenshots.
      It is likely your computer comes with one of these tools already. In combination with a Microsoft Word or Google Doc file, it will make taking notes fast and simple:

      ⋅Some versions of Microsoft Windows 10 comes with something called the Xbox Game Bar. This program can be configured to take full screen snapshots of the active window. The key combo for taking the screenshot can be configured as you see fit. They’re also great for getting neat shots of your character or the environment around you. These shots can be cropped to specific areas.

      ⋅Snipping Tool OR Snip & Sketch – both of these will take screenshots of what is highlighted by the snip tool. These snips can then be pasted into a Word or Google doc.

      Creating RP Friendly Chat Windows

      Chat windows come with a lot of miscellany that can clutter your chatbox with irrelevant info. Here is how to make “clean” chat windows for your use:

      • 1) Right click on the General tab and you’ll see a bunch of options
      • 2) Choose Create New Tab. Give it a name of your choosing.
      • 3) Right click again. Choose Chat Settings
      • 4) At minimum, remove the tick marks in front of Trade, PVP, and General
      • 5) Scroll down to the Systems Channel area.
      • 6) Conversation, System Feedback, and Guild Information are options to remove as well to reduce clutter
      • 7) Once these are set, hit OK
      • 8) Right clicking and selecting Font Size will allow you to increase the font size of the type in the chat box for ease of reading.

      The above will be the most basic of RP friendly chat Windows that also includes guild chat. 

      You may wish to create another Chat Window that also removes the check box in front of Guild. Switching to this tab during classes or spec RP will make things easier to follow/allow your screenshots to contain only the notes you need to take!

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