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  • Officer
      Member since: 12/07/2021

      The Bastion is the main line of defense for the Jedi Enclave on Anaxes. In many ways, the Bastion is the main gate to get inside Temple Grounds. Inside the Bastion, military and Jedi personnel are going about their day. Some are stationed there permanently to keep the Enclave safe, and others move about to attend scheduled meetings. 

      A wall surrounds the nature preserve, with the Bastion being the entrance into the nature preserve where the Enclave’s Temple is located. The cityscape of Anaxes surrounds the entire preserve, which is why the Bastion is crucial to ensure no unwanted guests are allowed. All craft landing at the Temple must first request entry to the air control, and the hangers are situated by the Bastion. State-of-the-art monitoring and surveillance technology fills the Bastion, allowing easy communication with ground units of the 7th or the Anaxes Battle Group. 


      While the Master Guardian is the leader of the Guardians, the First Warden must maintain Temple Security and is thus in charge of the Guardians that man the Bastion. Jedi must tell a Warden stationed there that they are leaving or coming back. Likewise, no Padawans may leave the Temple without authorization from their Master. The Master Guardian also spends a great deal of time in the Bastion to monitor threats and meet with other leaders of the Initiative. 


      The High Jedi General and Director of Intelligence can usually be found there, as they both work together in synch to ensure no threats are being missed or otherwise overlooked.

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